An Introduction To CZF Plus

Nov 11, 2021 | Articles

CZF Plus Footbath Solutions

Northern Agricultural Merchant Ltd was established in 2017 by Kevin Hare and Sue Shanahan who have both worked in agriculture for many years, their aim to find a solution for lameness in dairy cows, beef cattle, sheep and goats. We, as a company, came up with idea of CZF and CZ Hoof products, with the aim to combine the philosophy of other working products and make a single formula using products that are proven in the industry. At Northern Agricultural Merchants we offer 3 products to the market, knowing that they all work individually at a very competitive price.

CZF Plus is a disinfectant and hardener for the use in foot baths and is highly effective with the treatment and prevention of most foot problems in cattle sheep and goats, including Digital Dermatitis, CODD and Foot Rot.

CZF Plus works as a disinfectant to kill the bacteria that is usually the root cause of the infection in cattle, sheep and goats. CZFP Plus is a combination of formalin, copper and zinc plus additional ingredients to aid in eradicating the infection and assisting in the healing of the hoof.


CZF Plus Is The Perfect Blend

The key to the success of CZF Plus is the ability to use less components compared to some products on the market or using individual products, while remaining extremely effective. This is achieved by carefully blending the components together to form a stable overall product that in turn with this specific formulation, leads to less heavy metals being used, therefore, less metals going back on to the land which in turn is better for soil structure.


CZF Plus Aids In Foot Treatment For Cattle, Sheep & Goats

A large amount of cattle suffer more in the winter months from foot problems, proper use and dosage amount of CZF Plus in foot baths and good farm management, will help to control foot issues, treating up to 400-450 cows per bath and around 900 sheep per bath, it makes CZF Plus a very competitive alternative.

CZF PLUS: This product is very effective when used for sheep aiding in the treatment and prevention of foot rot, scald and CODD. Again, good management makes the difference when using CZF Plus.

CZ HOOF CARE PLUS:  This works in the same way as CZF Plus. However, it is advisable that all animals, cattle and sheep, stand on dry, firm ground when leaving the foot bath until their feet are dry. CZ Hoof Care Plus does not contain formalin and is certified for Organic Farms buy the OF&G.


See Positive Results In Just A Few Days

Northern Agricultural Merchants have also developed CZ Hoof Cream, again certified for use on Organic Farms by the OF&G. Where an individual target approach is needed for the worst cases, the cream is applied directly on to a cleaned wound and bandaged for 2-3days and if needed repeated. There have been many significant positive results after just 3 days of treatment. CZ Hoof Cream is also formulated without formalin and has shown first class results on all four stages of DD on cows and strawberry foot and CODD on sheep, but works very well on all foot problems.

To view the full range of CZF & CZ Hoof products, visit: or speak to their sales team here: 01765 822120,

CZF Plus Hoof Solution Logo

CZF Plus is a unique liquid formulation combining copper, zinc, formalin and surfactants in a vivid purple solution for use in foot bathing xcattle, sheep & goats. Unique and proven formulation, highly visual for ease of use.

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